Care Bear Sleep Gummies 1:1 ratio, 10mg Indica (THC) & 10mg of Full-Spectrum CBD)
12 gummies per pack
(Pack of 10) Care Bear 1:1 Sleep Gummies (Indica ; CBD)
"Care Bear Sleep Gummies" are the perfect gummy bears to call if you are struggling with pain and sleep.
Care Bear Sleep Gummies is a CBD and THC based product that combats pain and insomnia. It comes in a pack of 12 delicous gummies bears.
The 1:1 ratio of CBD and THC is effective in managing chronic pain, as well as helping to promote a good night's sleep. This is an alternate solution to melatonin gummies for sleep.
1:1 Ratio THC CBD
We all know the benifits of our CBD gummies on sleep and anxiety, however there are times we might need a little more.
The Tub consists of 12 Sleep Gummies. Each Gummy Bear has a strength of 20mg of premium full-spectrum Cannabis oil. (Indica dominate)
12 Gummies x 20mg (per gummy) = 240mg per tub.
What ratio of CBD to THC is best?
Most studies that look at the effectiveness of THC and CBD for pain use a 1:1 ratio. This is a great place to get started. If you haven't tried THC or CBD to alleviate your pain before, a 1:1 ratio can help you get used to the effects of both compounds.
Cbd gummy bears for sleep